Feast of the Redeemer

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During the Festa del Redentore, which is held on the night of the second Sunday of July, a strong tradition and a festive atmosphere combine to create an unmissable fireworks display that attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.

The tradition of celebrating this day is ancient and dates back to 1577, when Venice commissioned Andrea Palladio to design the Church of the Redentore on the Giudecca Island, at the end of the plague epidemic that struck the city, claiming about 50,000 victims.

The program

The days of celebration are actually three and begin with the creation of the votive bridge of boats that connects the foundations of the Zattere with the Church of the Redentore, about 330 meters long. The celebrations continue the next day with the famous fireworks display in the Basin of San Marco, during which you can admire Venice with a unique and completely unusual light, created by the play of reflections that are created between canals, buildings and spires. The Festa del Redentore ends on Sunday with the Holy Votive Mass and the Redentore Regattas in the Giudecca Canal.